Visual Catpro

Standard Report Buttons

Standard Report Buttons is a set of 3 buttons. It appears in most of the modules. There are three parts of standard report buttons as shown below:


Part 1:
You may click on this button to jump to the first row of the grid. This may also be invoked by pressing 'Ctrl+Home' shortcut key.

Part 2:
You may search any thing in the grid by clicking on this button. After clicking it shows the following window:


Enter the text to be search against the "Find Text" prompt. It searches the text from grid. You may also specify the Forward/Backward searching by selecting appropriate option. The Find window may also be invoked by pressing 'F12' function key.

When a record is found focus is set on the relevant row and a "Filter" button appears.

Note: On clicking the filter button, all rows matching the searched text shall be filtered.

Part 3:
You may click on this button to jump to the last row of the grid. This can also be invoked by pressing 'Ctrl+End' shortcut key.